How Momma Mob Squad Came To Life

Hey, it’s Heidi here. Thanks for stopping by and checking out our blog! I just thought I would quickly share with you why I had the idea to start an Instagram and blog with some friends of mine. Also, I am going to introduce you to the app that has helped me stay close to loved ones and friends. 

Like many of you, I had my own blog once upon a time. I made a few posts here and there and if you were to go look at it now it would appear that I have one child under the age of one. Well, I have four children ranging from two to seven. So, blogging isn’t one of my strong suits.

The story of how I decided to start a blog started over 6 months ago. My sister-in-law, Megan, and my good friend, Kelly, introduced me to an app called Marco Polo on two different occasions in the same week. Marco Polo is an app that is centered on doing quick video chats. Your chat is uploaded in real time but no one is required to watch it live, it is saved so the contact or group you sent it to can view it when they have time. They can then respond when it is convenient for them.

My husband graduated from medical school in May. While we were in Missouri for the week celebrating I told some friends about Marco Polo and we agreed that we should have group chats so we could help each other survive during residency. We thought it might be helpful to share with people going through similar experiences. I wanted and even needed a support group. As I got more people to join Marco Polo it became more fun! Between the few different groups and individuals I chat with on a regular basis I am on there practically everyday. I send clips of my children almost daily to my mother-in-law so she can see my children growing and can continue to be a part of their life even though with live 1,600 miles away from each other. My Marco Polo discussions with my medical school friends became lots a questions of motherhood, like when to send our children to kindergarten and what people are making for dinners; potty training help and support, medical questions, like what kind of cough is this, because it might be croup; and pleading for help to laugh at this so I won’t cry.

By the way I have cried on there before and my friends were nothing but loving and offered words of support and love. This type of connection has been a huge blessing in my life so I decided; why not share our thoughts with others? I thought, why not start a blog and share some of mom stories, our successes our failures so we can laugh during the hard times instead of cry? Sometimes being a wife of a doctor can get a little lonely and being a mom means there is never enough me time, so this is something we are doing for ourselves; this is our “me time”.  It sounded like fun and we hope it will be something we can learn and grow from and hope that we can bring some happiness or laughter into your lives with our relatable craziness that so many women, especially mothers seem to go through.

Also, I strongly recommend getting Marco Polo. I love it! It is the perfect way to stay close with friends and family. It is a simple way to have a quick conversation without texting all day long, or finding time where our schedules overlap in a way where we could actually have a conversation.

These women are amazing and have so much to offer. With that in mind I thought it would be fun to start a blog so that we could hopefully add joy to your day, make you laugh, and realize that life isn’t always Instagram picture perfect. We wanted to create a place free of the negativity of social media. We want you to be able to come here when you fell off your diet wagon, when your energy is spent, your children watched TV all day, when PB and J is what’s for dinner. We will be sharing what is real in our lives and hope you can relate. We don’t get ready every day, our houses aren’t perfect, our children misbehave, and some days we feel like we are failures. That is why we have each other: Support during the hard times and help to realize our worth is so much more than checking everything off our to-do list. I am excited for what I can learn from these incredible ladies and what we all can learn as we try to research and create meaningful posts.  We hope you will find a positive place to help you feel empowered to be a woman.

Thanks for all the love and support we have received so far! We are so very grateful.

Come back tomorrow because Nicole will be sharing what books she's been reading and why people might want to read them. (Trust her she's a High School English Teacher!)
