Rah! Rah! Family Cheers!

Hello! Lindsay from Texas and today I’m letting you in on a top secret. Are you ready? Ok.....Our top secret is....our family cheer!

Yes, it is cheesy. Yes, it is probably super dorky. BUT if I can help my children believe the words in our cheer then it is worth it! Heck, I'd jump around in a purple bunny suit singing Spice Girl songs if I knew my kids would believe that they are brave, smart, kind and important! 😂  

I think any positive thought processes we can give our kids the better! Especially when they are young. There really is power in positive self talk. I also like to play uplifting music in the morning to start the day. I’ve noticed myself humming songs to myself that I played in the morning. Also as mommas we need to be careful about how we talk about ourselves, little ears listen and soak it all in. Your kids love you despite the flaws you might see. My challenge to you is try to be kind to yourself. Tell yourself and your kids that you are brave, smart, kind, capable and important in this world. I heard a quote that said something to the effect of instead of protecting our kids from the world (which is good too) but teach them to be the light in the world!

We say this every morning together as we drive my son to school. My kids love it and so do I. I hope they grow up with this dialogue running through their minds and believing it too.

Do you have a family cheer, quote, theme or something similar?

--Without further adieu!--
