Let's Talk Laundry

Hey everyone, it's Leslie, coming to you from Hawaii. 
Today I want to talk about laundry.

This used to be me:

Have you ever looked at
the last few loads of dirty
laundry and considered
just throwing them

Eight years ago I got married to my sweet husband. As much as I tried, I could never quite get a handle o the laundry. I mean, aint nobody got time for that!

My laundry routine used to consist of filling up all the laundry baskets to the brim (ok let's be real- past the brim, overflowing, spilling onto the floor) and trying to make it to the weekend. Then spending an entire night washing, drying and folding load after load while watching a movie... or two. 

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Ok, the movie part isn't so bad but come on! Laundry is terrible enough without having to work on it for hours at a time, only to have piles of folded clothes waiting around for you to wake up to. Because who doesn't want to wake up to the battle of either putting away a million clothes first thing in the morning, or hoping the kids won't completely destroy every pile before you get to it.


Anyways, my point here is that laundry was ruining my life. Ok, that's a bit dramatic. But you get it right?

So when we moved 3 months ago I took it as a fresh start and I decided some things just had to change. Laundry needed to change. So I tried something new and it completely changed my life! Are you ready for it?

I do at least one load of laundry each day.

That's it! It's as simple as that!

It's been so amazing you guys, and so simple! How did I go eight whole years without knowing this was possible!

Doing one load a day has made every terrible step of laundry not so terrible, and much more manageable. And some days there's really nothing to wash! So I either wash sheets, towels, or take the day off every once in a while. There are no clothes around to make a mess on the floors, dressers, or unsuspecting chairs. The hampers are nearly empty, and there's always clean clothes to wear. What more can I say!

But before I continue any longer I have a confession to make. I had done at least a load each day for 2 months and life was blissful. But then my husband started a month of working nights and my schedule went down the drain. Every day I'd tell myself I'd do it at night but then I'd be too tired after feeding the kids dinner and getting them to bed. (Insert more excuses here). Needless to say, as I write this I have a huge pile waiting for me. See picture below.

It has been so hard to get back to a house with no laundry. But once I do, I will never, ever go back. (Hopefully). And if you are battling a big pile of laundry right now, give this a try! Seriously, try it! It could change your life too!


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