Pregnancy! Funny Story and Nausea Tips

Hello, Lindsay here! Alright are you ready for a story? Pregnancy. It is so different for everyone. It is such a blessing but it sure isn’t glamorous at times! I have a FUNNY story, and tips that helped me with my nausea during pregnancy. I hope this post makes you laugh and maybe some of you can relate. ❤️❤️❤️

I was pregnant with my second baby and I also had a 2.5 year old. We were living in Missouri and my husband was in medical school which means he was busy! I had a appointment to go to and at this appointment we both had to get our finger pricked. I got mine done and felt ok, then they pricked my sons finger and he got mad! He flung his hand everywhere and we were both splattered in blood. 

Next thing I knew I was NOT feeling well. "Oh boy" I thought. I grabbed my sons hand and "ran" my waddling self as fast as I could to the bathroom. Frantically searching for the bathroom, I saw it. I knew this was about the get ugly. 😂😳 I opened the door to the bathroom and..... how do I put this nicely? All my insides wanted to be on my outside. Yep, you're thinking right, and I didn't even make it to the toilet. I threw up all over the bathroom. Now an unfortunate side affect for me was because I was throwing up so hard my bladder didn't want to be left out!! Yep, I peed my pants. Like, completely. And there was no hiding that fact.😊I then look down at my little boy and because he saw me throwing up he starts to throw up too, and it's all over him. At this point I'm cry-laughing. 

I begin clean up. Cleaning it up made me puke more.... and round and round I went for a bit 😂😂. I am so pregnant that all the cleaning puts me into a full sweat. About 20 minutes later I get that poor bathroom as clean as I could. Then I looked at the door, me and my son. I knew I had to walk out that door to a room full of people. We both looked like we went into battle...and lost...badly. [Just typing this now and trying to picture us is making me laugh so hard] My son and I bolted. Well bolted might be a strong word....I waddled as fast as a pregnant lady could, while dragging my 2 year old behind me. It felt like slow motion as I desperately tried to avoid eye contact with the people staring at me. I rushed to the desk to tell the secretary I needed to reschedule and how sorry I was about the bathroom. 

Blood, sweat, tears, throw up, urine and all, I got in my car and called my husband who was of course in class and couldn't answer. This my friends is a moment where you can laugh or cry. If I remember right I did a little of both. Ha ha. 🤣🤣Oh the joys of pregnancy, right? Tune in next time and I will tell ya'll about my PICCA (craving non food items) and being nine month pregnant and slipping on ice into the full on splits and getting stuck there. What about you? Do you have any pregnancy stories or just plain embarrassing moments. Please tell us!
{Ok, let me first say that pregnancy it is NOT a one size fits all. Here are some things that helped me but different things may work better for you.}
  1. Drink water!!!! The more dehydrated I got the more nauseous I got. I know sometimes it's so hard but try!
  2. Sucking on jolly ranchers, wintergreen life saver mints or chewing gum. Sometimes having something in my mouth like a jolly rancher or gum  would keep my mind occupied for at least some temporary relief.
  3. Crackers on my night stand. Before I would even let my feet hit the floor in the morning, I would eat crackers. Sometimes it would just take the edge off in the morning.
  4. Avoid foods with a lot of acid (like tomato sauce) 
  5. Eat small meals often instead of 3 big meals.
  6. I burned lemon scented candles and ate oranges like it was my job. For some reason that citrus smell was one I could handle and it helped a little!
  7. Try and get as much sleep as you can. (Ha ha... I know, I know easier said than done) but the more exhausted I was the worse my nausea was.
  8. Talk to your doctor! Mine prescribed me medication and IVs and that helped a lot! They might have help for you too.


  1. Lindsay!!!! I had to pause reading your post because I was laughing SO hard! Thank you!! It's so nice to know that crazy stuff doesn't just happen to me :) I miss laughing with you and I hope we can meet up sometime in UT for Conference or something!! Also, please come to San Francisco and stay with us!


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