The Service of Mothering

Emily from Ohio here! When I stumbled onto this quote yesterday, all I could think was how I hadn't done any service the past few days. My baby had croup and the only place we had been in the past 48 hours was the doctors office and urgent care. I had quarantined my family so we wouldn't pass the illness on and in doing so I had eliminated any opportunity for service.

Then the light bulb went off. ALL I had done the past 48 hours was service.

I hadn't stayed awake all night, cuddling and rocking my baby for me. I had done it for him, to sooth him and help him sleep.  The essence of motherhood IS service. So if I have been serving my kids non-stop the past 48 hours.. I must have lots "more substance" in my soul, right? Then why do I feel like I have LOST my mind? Have I gained anything from the service I've done as a mom?

I have a sweet friend who was an elementary school teacher before having children and could never understand why her students were late to school. Class didn't start until 9:00, so why on earth couldn't their mothers get them to school on time? It wasn't that hard, right?

12 years and 4 kids later she is eating those words!

She can now understand why her students weren't always on time because she now knows how hard it is to get anywhere with kids. She has been the mother whose kid just can't find their homework, their jacket or their left shoe 5 minutes before the bus comes. Now when she sees the other mom whose kids is also late to school, again, she can give a comforting smile, nod and say "I'm right there with you!" Her service as a mother has given her empathy. Being a mom has grown her understanding and now she can relate and help other moms going through the same thing.

The service of being a mother can help you grow. The service you do in your home can increase your love and tolerance. It can give you more compassion and depth. Being a mom IS service and will help you grow, so the next time you think all motherhood has done is given  you varicose veins and a chronic headache, take a second to remember how much you have grown!

Love, Emily
