Enjoying the memories of Christmas

Christmas is here again and it is time to make some memories for our children. Last Friday there was a fun activity downtown called Silver Bells in the City. It starts out with a parade where Santa is introduced. Then a Christmas tree is lit, which is followed by fireworks over the Capitol. Sounds fun, right?!

I'm new to the area so I found out about this event just a few hours before the parade was supposed to start. I decided we would do this as a family last minute. Come hell or high-water we are doing this to create memories. I was prepared! The kids had thermals underneath sweats, winter hats, gloves, coats. 

Of course, any family event is invariably complicated by something. My son had swim lessons before the parade so I was prepared with all of his clothes in his swim bag. 

When we arrive to the swimming pool, that swim bag, you know, the one with Logan's clothes, is sitting on the floor, in our kitchen, inside our house twenty minutes away. My blood was boiling! My husband said we should just skip it. What a dummy! I was not going to let that happen! I had already put too much effort into this. 

I ran to the store, bought my son some new clothes, and we headed off to this fun event. My attitude wasn't great at first. Once we were there, would you believe it, we had a good time. Funny thing is, we didn't even make it past the parade! It was cold and the kiddos were hungry. It didn't take long before each of them was fighting for a spot to sit in the stroller behind a wall of people. So we left before the parade ended, before the tree was lit, and the fireworks hadn't even started during our 20 minute hike back to the car. We went to Chick-fil-a, and I called the night a win. 

It made me think that sometimes as parents we try to do everything and try to give our children all these experiences and create memories. But you know what? Kids will remember whatever they remember and they just like to spend time with you. So, my goal this season is to spend a little more time with my children, have a few simple ideas to try with them and do my best not to worry if nothing works out the way I envisioned.

Here's hoping you make a few memories this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

With Love, 
Heidi from Michigan

Simple Ways to Create Fun Christmas Memories

Make paper snowflakes and hang them
Watch a Christmas Movie here's a list
Make an ornament
Make sugar cookies or here's my favorite cookie
Drive around looking at lights or watch this on youtube 
Read a Christmas book every night or once
Make Hot Cocoa we make it with this
Surprise someone with a Secret Santa gift
Sit by the fire and read the Christmas Story
Make Christmas cards and send the to friends
ENJOY your family 
