Getting comfortable with the less comfortable

Life is uncomfortable. 

It's up and down and everything in between. 
Life is full of joy so pure you have never been happier, and lows so dark you are sure there is no hope or light to be found. 

If there is one thing I have found in my meanderings and befriending of many different women and people, it's that life is always going to send us hard things. Experiences that will stretch us beyond what we thought we could do or be. However, I also know that it is in the stretching, in the uncomfortable moments that we can become a person braver, grander, more loving and empathetic than we ever could be without the uncomfortable. 

If you look at the blogs and instagram accounts that you follow, I think you will find one common thread among those that really speak to you. They share the real, raw emotions and experiences that pull them to their knees and you find yourself being drawn into the hope, the building and the strength that you see in those people. It is truly a gift and a beautiful opportunity to watch as that happens in your own life and in the lives of others around you. 

As I mentioned in a previous post- my path to motherhood has been riddled with difficulty. I have felt so scared and saddened at times, but the beauty always came as I was pulled to my knees. In one of my darkest moments, I was drawn to a song entitled "Beautiful Heartbreak". It was during a time after our second child was born but I was separated from him while he was in the NICU. He was there for 5 1/2 weeks- a short time compared to so many, and yet, each day as I left him there, my heart broke into two. I knew he was going to be fine, but I just wanted my baby and my family to be together.

After the stillbirth of our 3rd child, I let myself grieve. I had learned through previous experiences that it is important to feel the feelings, to acknowledge them. So many times we hear the words, "it's going to be ok"- and truly, it will, but that doesn't make the hurt any less real. I again was drawn to this song and the message that through hard and trying things, we can become stronger. Our marriages and families can grow together in love and we can triumph through the strength of God.

It is awful and gut wrenching pain at times, but the growth we can experience and the people we can become, truly makes it a BEAUTIFUL heartbreak.

I hope that it can bring you some peace and happiness along whatever road you are currently traveling. 

I know you can do it, you can work through the uncomfortable that is mortality.

-Nicole from Ohio
