Gratitude Goggles

Yesterday was just one of those days.

You know the days where you wake up with a toddler jumping on your back, you are in charge of hosting 8 little kids for the co-op pre-preschool and you forgot to buy snacks.

The days where your 3 year old who thinks she is a cat, stands on the toilet to pee, because that's how the cats on the you tube videos do it, and you madly try to sit her down and accidentally clock her in the chin so now you have pee all over your bathroom and a crying child screaming,
"but why did you hit me?!?"

The days where at that very moment the 7 other pre-preschoolers, looking for the non-existent snacks, decide to crowd into the bathroom and all step in the pee from your 3 year old pretend cat.

You have those days right?



So where do you go from there? How do you keep momming when it's only noon and your living in a disaster zone and feeling completely depleted, empty of any motivation to continue with your day?

Let me introduce Gratitude Goggles! 

Gratitude Goggles help you find things to be grateful for. They allow you to look through the murky waters of life that can make us feel like we are drowning and help us see the good! 

When I look at my day without my goggles, all I can see is how absolutely absurd and emotionally draining it was. Until I put on my Gratitude Goggles. These goggles help me focus on the good that happened. Here is what I see with my goggles on: 

1. My 3 year old loves me and wanted to see me first thing in the morning.
2. I have a group of kind-hearted women that do the co-op with me who understand the crazy that goes along with 3 year olds ... and can laugh at their kids urine smelling feet. 
3. My 3 year old has a KILLER imagination. 

From there I could go on and on...

4. how lucky I am to have indoor plumbing
5. for heat in my home
6. for the genius who created Clorox wipes... etc. 

Looking at my day with Gratitude Goggles didn't miraculously turn it into the best day ever. It didn't wash my sink full of dishes or finish my long list of to-do's. But it did brighten my spirits and give me the motivation and optimism I needed to finish my day with some sense of sanity. 

This life is crazy and tougher than any sport I know. But once you make the decision to look at your day through your Gratitude Goggles, you will be able to see some good Every.Single.Day! 

Sending luck and love, 



  1. Great post Emily! I needed this advice on Monday, and will remember it for when the next chaotic moment takes hold. Life with little ones is messy, loud, crazy, and simply wonderful if you take the time to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing about gratitude goggles, they make the every day mommy experience easier... making room for more love, more memories, and more joy in the journey! LOVED IT!


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