Healthy At Home

This post may not be for everyone but it's something I am very passionate about so I thought I should share my thoughts on the matter.

Health and fitness, 2 topics that are all over the internet: try this tip or trick, lose weight overnight, get abs in 5 seconds. There are a million diets out there to try and honestly, there is something out there for everyone. I've had a big passion for this topic for the last 6 years. I've lost and gained lots of weight through those years (thanks babies!) and have learned SO much through it all. I've been in ridiculously good shape or 50 pounds over weight, so these are my thoughts through all of this.

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My biggest conclusion: find a sustainable life style and set realistic goals. I LOVE working out but with 3 kids and crazy health issues, it gets pretty tricky. I used to feel like a failure when I would get anything less than 6 workouts in each week. That's not healthy at all (in my mind) because I was obsessive to a point where it wasn't good for me. 

Same with food. I used to beat myself up so badly if I slipped and had more than one treat in a week. It wasn't sustainable. I would restrict my food intake so much (no dairy, no bread, no cereal, no this or that because I thought it would make me a healthier person). Then I would be so hungry I would binge it all away if I even smelled cookies in the same vicinity as me. I mean, I have 3 young kids and sometimes the only way we make it through the day is with a Mcdonalds run and a big fat diet coke!!
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This made me laugh a lot haha! 

I am NOT saying that if you have these goals that they are bad. I am saying my mind-set with these goals were bad. I have now switched my mind from what I CAN'T have or do, to what I CAN!

As moms, we beat ourselves up enough as is. So, even though I knew I wanted to lose weight after this last baby and live a more health minded lifestyle, I knew it needed to be a different approach. 

I had a lot of weight to lose this last time around (still working on it!) but I decided to not get so focused on the number. It's nice to have goals but size does not equal health. With this in mind, I started making small and realistic goals and once I mastered those (or felt I had good control on that part of my life), then I would set new ones. 

First things first: I set a goal to exercise 2 times a week. Not 2 long hours of cardio. Just 2 exercise sessions a week where I get my body moving. This could be yoga, weights, biking, whatever. 10 minutes to 60 minutes. 

I then moved on to adding 1-2 more sessions a week and if I felt over worked, I would cut back and give myself grace. The same was true with nutrition. I started with having one small treat a day. Then for a few weeks I said I had to eat one veggie with each meal just to get into the habit of doing so. Now, I feel confident enough in myself and my decisions that I can enjoy a treat when it is around but I have enough control to say 1 or 2 is good. Everything in moderation!! 

I think sometimes we (and I definitely mean me) get so inundated with ideas that women should look amazing after having babies, that we have to chase after those dreams to feel like we matter. I am not knocking those women. I applaud you and your efforts to do what is healthy for you! We all need to embrace where we are in life. I was just as happy 22 pounds heavier in June as I am today, those 22 pounds less. I didn't do anything crazy. Just made sure I was happy mentally with my choices!

With all of this said, If you have been wanting to make a few more health minded choices, let this be your start. Pick ONE THING and start. It could be drinking more water, or increasing you vegetable intake. Again, I like to focus more on what I CAN do and not what I CANNOT have. It was a total game changer. If you can't get to the gym or just don't know where to start, here are a few of my favorite online resources for fitness and health!

Before that, pick a friend and start together. If you don't have one, I'd LOVE to work with you. I am constantly working to improve myself and I am great at giving motivation out ;) 

First is they are a darling husband and wife couple that have all free content and a workout for everyone. 

Next is the tone it up girls. Now disclaimer, the opening of their videos they dance around in their bikinis or underpants BUT their workouts are great. This is my favorite quick workout that leaves you sweating HERE

Another of my favs that cost a little bit are Jillian Michaels. This is what got me started on my love for exercise. It's $8 on amazon and super doable as a mom.  Click the picture to check it out on amazon!

Another thing you need if you want a little challenge is a small set of dumbbells. These can get you far in you exercises. I suggest 5lbs to start.

Some good nutrition pages I like are 

All in all there are a lot of resources out there. Find what works for you and don't beat yourself up! Now set your goal and get started!!

With love from Kentucky,



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