Music To My Ears

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Aloha! It's Leslie writing today about music!

This week a couple members of the Hawaiian Symphony Orchestra came to my sons class to perform some songs and teach them about music and I got to tag along. 

They were amazing!

They played 'Air on G String' by Johann Sebastian Bach
Click Here to Listen

I was sitting there in the front row of a room full of kids and adults and I wanted to cry! It was so beautiful.

I held it together but I was so grateful to be there and hear such beautiful music. 

The world is full of so many wonderful things. Music allows me to see and feel so much beauty.

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I'm in awe of the talents people have. Click Here to listen to another amazing song performed by one of the men who came to the school.

It's wonderful to see people performing their talents with such love and devotion. Giving their all to it and allowing us to be a part of that. 

My son loved the visit and I was so grateful that he was able to experience so much goodness that day. And to witness people filling the world with their talents. 

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So if you have a talent, share it! It really makes the world a better place! 
