The Best Pie Crust

Next week is the big turkey day and everyone is always on the hunt for a good piecrust recipe. Look no further! I have the pie crust of your dreams. No seriously, it's so easy and truly, so good. Now. you could go out and buy the box stuff but I promise you will not regret giving this a try. If you have a blender, food processor, hand mixer, or a fork (I guess you could use a pasty cutter, but I am not that fancy!)

The blender or food processor make this recipe even easier than normal. No extra mixing. Just pulse on the blender. Ok, I know you've been holding your breath waiting for this magical recipe so here goes: (Original found here by Chef John. I have stored this recipe for years, it's that good)

2.5 cups All Purpose Flour
1 cup cold butter (best frozen)
1/2 TSP salt
1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar
7 TBSP Ice Water

First step is to combine flour, butter that has been sliced, and salt into the blender (or regular bowl if using a cutter or fork) Pulse until combined. You want the butter and flour to be combined enough to look crumbly.

Second, add the apple cider vinegar and water together in a bowl. Dump half the mixture over your blender, pulse till combined, then dump the rest. Pulse again until combined.

I dumped mine out onto a cutting board. I needed to ad a little more flour to the top since it was a little wet but that took all of 2 seconds. Formed into a ball and cut that ball into 2 pieces. 

Wrapped each piece in saran wrap and then put in the fridge for 30 minutes minimum. I leave it in there until I am ready to go! DANCE BREAK!

When the time has come to put it all together, I roll mine out on a floured surface. I've put together a little video of how to get your dough from the counter to your pie tin.

Once the bottom is in place, fill your pie with whatever your heart desires. My daughter requested a strawberry pie so that is what I did. She then of course hated it so you know, motherhood. Put the top crust on the same way you did the bottom. Cut off any crazy excess amount.

Roll the dough up onto the top of the tin. I like the crust thick! I usually throw that part away but with this buttery goodness, you do not want to do that. Do any design your hear desires.

Cut vents into your pie so it doesn't explode in your oven. I then brush egg whites on mine and sprinkle some sugar on top.

There you have it! I baked mine at 400 for 40 minutes but follow the directions on your canned stuff or start with 30 minutes and check it.

Try not to devour the whole thing once it's done baking! Wow all your friends and family at Thanksgiving this year and let me know what you think!!

Enjoy!! -Amanda in Kentucky
