Ringing in the New Year!! 2018

Hey Lindsay here in Texas! After Christmas the thought that of doing a big production for New Years can seem overwhelming! Here are some easy ideas to make ringing in the New Year fun and memorable!

1. Balloon count down: Write numbers starting around 5:00 until midnight on balloons you’ve blown up! On that hour pop the balloon!

2. Lanterns: On Amazon you can buy biodegradable lanterns. We like to write our wishes for the new year on the lantern and send them up! This is always a big hit.

3. Favorite Questions: Have everyone answer these questions:
    • What was some of your favorite moments this year?
    • What was the hardest part of this year?
    • What is something you learned this year?
    • What is something you accomplished this year?
    • What are your hopes for this next year?


4. Sparklers: Sparklers are always a fun way to celebrate!

5. Sparking Cider: Buy sparkling cider and those fun plastic glasses to make it feel fancy!l Martenellies is our favorite!

6. Extras: We like to get some fun glasses or noise makers and use them through the night!
