Ditch the Label

Happy Halloween!!! We hope you have a fun and safe Halloween. Halloween is so fun to dress up, eat way more candy than you should and check off your fall must do lists! Watching my kids light up with our Halloween traditions is so fun. Carving pumpkins, fall festivals, pumpkin cookies, changing colors, crisp air, and treats! I love watching Hocus Pocus and whipping up our first cups of hot chocolate! With all this fun we ALL know there is another side to the coin. Candy is yummy but my kids want candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner and the battle is real.  Not to mention the hyper ness that goes to a whole new level! Cute costumes come with melt downs because they are too [fill in the blank] [itchy, hot, cold or in our case last minute my daughter decides to wear her costume from last year insteadπŸ˜€.] Crying because the pumpkin we carved isn’t quite right, and well I’m sure you could fill in the rest. Just remember with all the perfect pictures you see there is always more. It doesn’t take away from those happy, fun, awesome moments but just like a super hero wears a mask, there are certainly social media masks of sorts. Mask of the perfect family, mask of a perfect clean and decorated home, masks of being perfectly in shape, mask of perfect make up and perfect clothes, mask of the perfect job, mask of perfect and frequent vacations, mask of the perfect calm, collected parent. Just remember that life has absolutely beautiful moments but behind the beautiful is the messy, imperfect life which we mostly live in and that is ok! Just as we dress up for Halloween remember the “dress ups” of social media and give yourself some grace!

Love,  Lindsay

Click on this link and watch this video!!! It’s from a group called Ditch the Label and they did a fantastic job with this! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡



  1. Haha, I'm guilty of moving things out of the way to take the "perfect picture" To bad my kids never cooperate and actually look at the camera.


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